The Digital Technologies Seniors Program (DTSP), co-developed between Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus, Malaysia and Persatuan Kebajikan Rolf Schnyder bridges the generational gap between youths and senior citizens through technology coaching and reciprocal mentorship in line with the Sarawak Ministry of Welfare, Women and Family Development (KPWK)’s mandate of sustaining community wellbeing for a dignified existence for all.

Our goal is to bring together young people and senior citizens through technology training and mentorship, helping to bridge the generational gap and create a sustainable support system for both groups. By participating in this program, both youths and senior citizens can gain valuable skills and knowledge, while also providing each other with valuable support and guidance.

Supporting The UN Sustainable Goals

Digital Technologies Seniors Program (DTSP) Promotional Film



We are so grateful to the DTSP Cyber-Ambassadors who organised this much needed training to the Healthy Elderly. We are looking forward to learn much more through their tech coaching sessions.

Dennis TanSarawak Senior

As a cyber ambassador, I learn to be more patient when sharing my digital knowledge and interact with the uncles and aunties. Their positive lifelong learning attitudes and life experiences have inspired me to appreciate every moments in life. I have a sense of fulfillment to be able to contribute through this meaningful community work.

Grace LoCyber-Ambassador

We learnt a lot and are looking forward to learn much more through the DTSP Program. Truly a much needed program that empowers us seniors in this tech driven world.

Joseph PhangSarawak Senior

Interacting with seniors taught me the importance of empathy, patience and wisdom through their shared life experiences. Their accumulated wisdom truly inspires me to become a better person by embracing and incorporating these qualities to stimulate my personal growth.

Phoebe LiCyber-Ambassador

In essence, my experience as a cyber-ambassador has not only empowered seniors to navigate the digital landscape but has also enriched my own life. It has reminded me of the importance of adaptability, compassion, and continuous learning, and for that, I am profoundly grateful to the seniors I’ve had the privilege of working with.

Kelly SoonCyber-Ambassador

I am amazed by the positive vibes and appreciate their warmness as I interact with the healthy elderlies through this meaningful DTSP community work. Their enjoyment of life and learning have inspired me to embrace lifelong learning and to age healthily, joyfully, and wiser as these healthy elderlies.

Su Sueh IngMentor/Trainer

Being a part of this team has been a great privilege because I have the opportunity to impart my digital literacy to the older generations and seeing the smiles on their faces motivates me in what we do

Cheryl TanCyber-Ambassador
© 2023 - The Digital Technologies Seniors Program Version 2.0. Site created by Scott+Andrea Wong