February 2023: DTSP empowers members of the Sarawak Gerontology and Geriatric Society (SGGS) with a Tech Coaching Session

On February 18th, 2023, the Digital Technologies Seniors Program (DTSP) team held a follow-up coaching session at the Community Social Support Centre (CSSC) in Jalan Abell, with Dr. Zufar Yadi Brendan Bin Abdullah, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Women, Early Childhood and Community Welfare (KPWK) in attendance. The coaching session was organized in accordance with KPWK’s mandate of promoting sustainable community well-being and a dignified existence for all. The event was attended by a total of 40 healthy elderly individuals from the Sarawak Gerontology and Geriatric Society (SGGS), along with 8 Cyber-Ambassadors from DTSP who were involved in the coaching session. The coaching session focused on video/photo editing and Microsoft Word editing, as per the SGGS’s request. The session was highly successful, with all participants actively engaged and eager to learn. Some even submitted their own video projects to the trainers for feedback after the session.